A Virtual Room to Enhance Writing Skills in the EFL Class

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Dayra Piedad Ochoa Alpala
Nieves Medina Peña


This article reports an action research that intended to study to what extent students shape their writing skill in English through the use of a virtual room. As the study, we randomly selected six ninth graders in high school from thirty two students at a Colombian private institution. Three instruments were used, namely, interviews, students’ artifacts, and journals. The results indicate that the use of virtual resources enriches students’ learning process and engages them to communicate and interact with their classmates through their written creations.

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How to Cite
Ochoa Alpala, D. P., & Medina Peña, N. (2014). A Virtual Room to Enhance Writing Skills in the EFL Class. HOW, 21(1), 62–81. https://doi.org/10.19183/how.21.1.15
Research Reports
Author Biographies

Dayra Piedad Ochoa Alpala, Universidad de Boyacá, Tunja

Dayra Piedad Ochoa Alpala holds a B.A. in modern languages from Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. She currently teaches English as a foreign language at Universidad de Boyacá in Tunja (Colombia). She has taught primary and high school students in different institutions in Boyacá.

Nieves Medina Peña, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja

Nieves Medina Peña is a teacher of modern languages from Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Her professional experience has been as both English and Spanish teacher in primary and secondary levels. She is currently working as a member of the bilingualism project carried out by the Secretary of Education.


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