Exploring Two EFL Teachers’ Narrative Events Regarding Vocabulary Teaching and Learning

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Diego F. Ubaque
Fredy Pinilla


This paper summarizes the results of a collaborative narrative inquiry study conducted by two teachers in an English as a foreign language classroom in Bogota, Colombia. The study places emphasis on teacher learning as a reflective practice to contribute to students’ vocabulary learning. However, the analysis presented in this paper is grounded on teachers’ narrative events to understand their experiences teaching vocabulary over communicative classroom activities. Findings revealed that teachers could claim ownership of their own teaching practice when there is negotiation and collaboration of teaching practices over vocabulary activities; furthermore, data made evident that when collaboration emerges as a driving force, teachers’ learning can become relevant to increase students’ learning since reflection is used to adapt teaching to get learning outcomes.

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How to Cite
Ubaque, D. F., & Pinilla, F. (2018). Exploring Two EFL Teachers’ Narrative Events Regarding Vocabulary Teaching and Learning. HOW, 25(2), 129–147. https://doi.org/10.19183/how.25.2.400
Reports on Pedagogical Experiences
Author Biographies

Diego F. Ubaque, Centro Colombo Americano Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Diego F. Ubaque works for the Centro Cultural Colombo Americano and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia) as an EFL teacher. He holds an MA in applied linguistics to the teaching of English from Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia).

Fredy Pinilla, Centro Colombo Americano

Fredy Pinilla works for the Centro Cultural Colombo Americano (Bogotá) as an EFL teacher. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in education from the University of South Carolina (USA). His research interests have to do with assessment practices in the EFL classroom.


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