Supporting Student-Teacher Researchers’ Quest for Their Voice

Main Article Content

Rigoberto Castillo
Nathalia R. Diaz Cortés


This article deals with teacher identity development of students enrolled in the teacher training program. The authors, who advocate inquiry-based teaching practices, propose reflective and organizational strategies to support these. In order to gain insights into the experiences and values of student-teacher-researchers (STRs here on) to shape a professional teaching identity, a pre-service teacher and a professor in a second language (L2) program joined efforts to share their reflections on the process of inquiry and on the quest to find a voice when conducting and reporting their inquiry.

Article Details

How to Cite
Castillo, R., & Diaz Cortés, N. R. (2012). Supporting Student-Teacher Researchers’ Quest for Their Voice. HOW, 19(1), 185–193. Retrieved from
Reflections and Revision of Themes
Author Biographies

Rigoberto Castillo, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá

Rigoberto Castillo holds a PhD from The University of Texas at Austin. He works at Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educación, Universidad Distrital. He does consultancy work in Colombia, Ecuador, and Argentina. He represents The Performers Educational Plays in Colombia.

Nathalia R. Diaz Cortés, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá

Nathalia R. Diaz Cortés completed her course work for the B.A. in TEFL at Universidad Distrital. She also studied at Georgetown University, Washington D.C., and at the College of Marin, California. She works as a research assistant at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.


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