English Teaching Methodologies of Modern Languages Graduates from a University in Colombia

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Carmelina Encarnación Mosquera


Self-assessment for accreditation purposes requires follow-up of graduates and feedback with academic programs. As part of the improvement actions, this study was done to characterize graduates’ methodologies in English language teaching. The data, gathered through questionnaires, showed that graduates privilege the communicative and eclectic methods; the criteria for selecting methodologies are based on their relevance in the teaching context and students’ learning needs; furthermore, there is a need and expectation to be updated in methodologies according to the guidelines of the National Bilingual Program. It would be relevant that these results were considered in the curricular development of modern languages and in graduates’ professional development activities.


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How to Cite
Encarnación Mosquera, C. (2021). English Teaching Methodologies of Modern Languages Graduates from a University in Colombia. HOW, 28(1), 94–120. https://doi.org/10.19183/how.28.1.581
Research Reports
Author Biography

Carmelina Encarnación Mosquera, Universidad del Cauca

She is an associate teacher at the University of Cauca. She works at the Languages Department. She graduated from a Master’s in English Didactics at Universidad de Caldas in 2010. She has been a teacher trainer in Cauca department for more than five years.


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