The Use of Social Networks in L2 Instruction: Discussing its Opportunities and Obstacles
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This article presents a discussion and analysis on the implementation of social networks to support the learning of a second language (L2) in the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL); an area that has regained especial significance in the post pandemic era. Through a cumulative case study report that compares and contrasts several research studies carried out at different times, this article first brings to discussion the strengths that social networks offer for their implementation in L2 instruction. To continue the discussion, the issues of teachers’ CALL training and access are presented as weaknesses for a successful implementation of social networks in the L2 instruction. It is argued that social networks cannot work as effective tools for this purpose without the guidance of a properly trained instructor. Nevertheless, attaining such an ideal condition is challenging considering the problems that might emerge during its implementation. Although it is common that language teachers to some extent include this resource for their L2 classes, more research needs to be done to produce literature that sheds light on the aspects that need to be worked on to take real advantage of this type of technology.
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