Pedagogies of Well-being: A Narrative Perspective to Explore Two English Student-Teachers’ Experiences

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Diego Ubaque-Casallas



This article reports on a series of narrative events extracted from an action research methodology that explores teaching practices and pedagogical experiences to foster well-being in English language student-teachers. Although the study adopted an action research methodology, it does not account for the implementation of the pedagogical process per se. Instead, it resorts to its stages (i.e., planning, reflecting, and acting) to situate the narrative events regarding well-being. The study was conducted in a public university in Bogotá, Colombia, exploring the experiences of two student-teachers at the practicum stage. The purpose was to document narrative events concerning teaching practices and pedagogical experiences implemented to foster well-being. These experiences reveal that student-teachers engage in thought-affective pedagogies or pedagogies of well-being that coexist with traditional language pedagogy, although they are not cognitive-oriented pedagogies. Interestingly, student-teachers could engage in more human pedagogical practice to see the other not as a learning object but as someone who feels and requires attention and care.

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How to Cite
Ubaque-Casallas, D. (2024). Pedagogies of Well-being: A Narrative Perspective to Explore Two English Student-Teachers’ Experiences. HOW, 31(1), 87–105.
Research Reports
Author Biography

Diego Ubaque-Casallas, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

He is an English language teacher and teacher-educator who currently works at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Bogotá, Colombia). He holds an MA degree in Applied Linguistics to TEFL. He is interested in identity, gender, narrative studies, translanguaging perspectives, and new approaches to comprehending English language pedagogy.


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