Enhancing Reading Skills through Scaffolding Strategies in Eighth-Grade EFL Students
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This research focuses on how designing, implementing, and evaluating didactic strategies and activities based on scaffolding with visualization and the use of graphic organizers guide the process of reading comprehension in an eighth-grade public school course placed at A1 level. The research methodology was framed as action research with a mixed-method approach and a quasi-experimental design with no control group. There were 31 participants aged 12 to 18. The research design implied (1) a pretest, (2) a diagnostic analysis, (3) intervention, (4) a posttest, and (5) final analysis. After gathering information from the pretest initial diagnostic data, the pedagogical intervention with ten task-like scaffolding activities was applied and assessed with rubrics. Posttest data were collected and accounted for from the researcher’s journal notes. Both reading comprehension tests, the pretest, and the posttest had 21 questions divided into literal, inferential, and evaluative levels. Results obtained using descriptive statistics exposed, from the posttest, some improvement in the literal and evaluative level questions but a slight decline in inferential level questions contrasted with the pretest results. Data demonstrated that some external factors like time, academic aids, and responsibility influenced the outcome positively or negatively.
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