Configuring Collocations and Prepositions in Essay Writing through a Corpus-based Strategy

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Leonardo Alba-Lopez


The correct use of collocations and prepositions plays an essential role in writing. Previous research has demonstrated that students, who master these lexical elements, have a better language awareness, improve their reading and listening comprehension, and are more creative when making a composition. However, little specific work has been done in this regard in Colombia, especially with adolescents. This action research study explores the affordances of a corpus in English as a foreign language writing of fourteen students at the high school level. Surveys, teacher’s journals, and classroom artifacts were used to collect data. Findings show that the corpus contributed positively to L2 writing in two ways. The participants could self-correct their mistakes associated with the use of collocations and prepositions, and the tool amplified participants’ autonomy, decision-making, and data analysis skills. Although a corpus represents an alternative for error correction processes, it requires a well-structured instructional design process to deal with difficulties related to the use of commands derived from using a corpus-based strategy.

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How to Cite
Alba-Lopez, L. (2024). Configuring Collocations and Prepositions in Essay Writing through a Corpus-based Strategy. HOW, 31(2), 89–126.
Research Reports
Author Biography

Leonardo Alba-Lopez, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana, United States

He is a first-year doctoral student in the Instructional Systems Technology program at Indiana University. He earned his undergraduate degree in foreign languages at Universidad Surcolombiana in Colombia. He has two master's degrees, one in English Language Teaching and Autonomous Learning Environments at Universidad de la Sabana (Chia, Colombia); and another one in Education at Carthage College (Kenosha, Wisconsin). Technology integration into educational settings, digital literacy and education research are part of his interest. He has worked recently as an adjunct for a modern languages program, teaching courses, such as: material design and research methods. Currently, he is an associate instructor at Indiana University.


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