Frequently asked questions
Does the process of revision and publication have a cost?
No. It is free.
What do I need to have my article reviewed?
Basically, have it ready. It means to follow some of the following guidelines:
—Citation: APA Latest version
—Font: Times New Roman (size: 12)
—Extension: 7000 words (including abstract)
—Number of columns: 1
—Do not write your name or biodata in the article.
—Abstract of no more than 250 words and a list of keywords in alphabetical order (no more than five). The abstract and the keywords should be both in Spanish and English.
—Please include a statement of originality and a letter to the Editor.
—If your research was experimental, please include one sample of the consent form used to obtain permission from participants to use their voices (signed by one of the participants).
—The article and the supplementary files must be uploaded to our website.
However, we kindly invite you to read our guidelines. To get a clearer idea of our publication, we invite you to check the last issue here.
Who will review my article?
At least two people check every manuscript. Most of the time, they are experts on the field who fill-out an evaluation and provide a concept. In case the evaluations of the two reviewers are at variance, a third reviewer will be required. If a manuscript goes through those filters, it might be checked by an editor, and two proofreaders (one for English, and one for Spanish). For further information, visit the section Peer Review Process.
How long does it take for my article to be reviewed?
This is an example of our editorial process. Click on the plus symbol (+), to see the second possibility.
When is the deadline for submissions?
The deadline for submissions of manuscripts for the first issue (published in January) is April 1st of the previous year. Submissions for the second issue (published in July) will be received until October 1st of the previous year. Please, read the Author Guidelines for information on how to prepare and upload your submission.