From a Bureaucratic to a Critical-Sociocultural Model of Policymaking in Colombia

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Doris Correa
Jaime Usma Wilches


In the context of the National Bilingual Program 2004-2019, currently called “Program for Strengthening the Development of Competencies in a Foreign Language,” the Colombian government has implemented a series of actions to raise the level of English proficiency of teachers and students and insert the country into globalization processes. The purpose of this article, which is the result of a project conducted by the authors in Antioquia (Colombia) about the stakeholders’ views of the program, is to show how these actions fit a bureaucratic policymaking model which has been highly questioned by policy experts and to propose a new model which can be used to make deep changes in the program with the participation of all stakeholders.

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How to Cite
Correa, D., & Usma Wilches, J. (2013). From a Bureaucratic to a Critical-Sociocultural Model of Policymaking in Colombia. HOW, 20(1), 226–242. Retrieved from
Reflections and Revision of Themes
Author Biographies

Doris Correa, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín

Doris Correa holds a Doctorate degree in Language, Literacy, and Culture from University of Massachusetts (USA). Currently, she works as an Assistant Professor at the School of Languages, Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia), where she has done research in English language policy and critical literacy.

Jaime Usma Wilches, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín

Jaime Usma Wilches is a teacher educator and researcher at the School of Languages, Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia). He combines his research, publications, and teaching on foreign language policymaking with an active participation in policy initiatives and professional development programs.


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