Remote Learning in Times of COVID-19 in Colombia
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Remote learning replaced for almost a year the traditional face-to-face education to maintain and ensure the continuity of the teaching-learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. This article reports the results of an exploratory and descriptive-transversal study that exposes primary and secondary school students’ perceptions about their experience with remote learning during 2020. Though the research study was also aimed at finding out potential teaching and learning issues inherent to remote education, we only focus on reporting the main findings on the determining factors that hindered or enhanced students' learning during their remote education experience. Data were collected through two different surveys addressed to 101 secondary and primary school students from Neiva and Pitalito, the two most populated towns in the state of Huila, Colombia. The findings showed that the students’ learning was both positively and negatively influenced by several factors affecting interaction inside and outside of the classroom setting.
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