The Generation of Power Relationship through the Students' Oral Interaction under the Use of a Task-Based Syllabus

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Víctor Javier Moreno Moreno
Danny Jiménez Bello


Social reasons prompted the authors' main purpose: to report on a qualitative research develop throughout one year with tenth graders from a public school in Bogotá, Colombia where a task-based lesson was implemented fostering an environment where oral interaction and the generation of power relationships were analyzed. Four instruments were used, namely, field notes, interviews, transcripts of classroom oral interaction and surveys. The preliminary results showed that relations were marked by the roles students played as they interacted and the use they made of the language in interacting as well as the existence of differences among students.

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Cómo citar
Moreno Moreno, V. J., & Jiménez Bello, D. (2016). The Generation of Power Relationship through the Students’ Oral Interaction under the Use of a Task-Based Syllabus. HOW Journal, 12(1), 44–60. Recuperado a partir de
Reportes de investigación