A Criticism on Demonstration Lessons in EFL Teacher Training

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Luis Fernando Gómez


The scene is set, the audience waits with bited breath, the minor actors giggle nervously and fidget uneasily, the star performer checks his props and takes a last look at his lines. A scene in a West End theatre? It might as well be, but when we identify the audience as a group of TEFL trainees, the minor actors as foreign student volunteers and the star performer...does anybody out there recognize himself? Is there much difference between the demonstration lesson and a theatrical performance, or is that where the similarity ends?

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Cómo citar
Gómez, L. F. (2016). A Criticism on Demonstration Lessons in EFL Teacher Training. HOW Journal, 5(1), 68–71. Recuperado a partir de https://www.howjournalcolombia.org/index.php/how/article/view/232
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