Action Research for Reflective Practice: Could a Database of Approaches Help?

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William D. Cousin


In an earlier paper (Cousin, 1997a) the use of action research in a postgraduate programme of "Specialist in Education with emphasis on the teaching of English" of the University of Tolima was described and attempt made to justify the constraints on researcher imposed by the institutional conditions. The construction of a database of the work undertaken in the University of Tolima and its presentation to an international audience during a visit to Moray House Institute of Education in Edinburgh, Scotland enables this work to be seen in a wider context. Limitations on the inputs to the database are described and some tentative findings from the search of the database are presented. It is suggestd that the input to the database of records of work undertaken within different frameworks might help to build up a useful resource for would-be researchers in the area of TESOL.

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Cómo citar
Cousin, W. D. (2016). Action Research for Reflective Practice: Could a Database of Approaches Help?. HOW Journal, 4(1), 1–9. Recuperado a partir de
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