Holism in the EFL Classroom

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Flor María Arteaga
Alicia Hidalgo


Teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) is a task that demands from the teacher a continuous process of training and innovation. The traditional methodologies have given rise to the development of different activities and techniques that permit the teacher to innovate his teaching process and provide the students with different possibilities in their learning process. One of the theories that has given the opportunity to English teachers to develop new learning strategies is known as Holism. This theory is presented here and some implications for the EFL classroom are exposed with some possible activities that help to apply holism in EFL contexts.

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Cómo citar
Arteaga, F. M., & Hidalgo, A. (2016). Holism in the EFL Classroom. HOW Journal, 4(1), 21–25. Recuperado a partir de https://www.howjournalcolombia.org/index.php/how/article/view/243
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