Exploring Materials and Activities for CALL

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Jorge E. Benavides B.


The acquisition and use of personal computers by faculty staff and students has increased dramatically during the 80s and 90s. Commecial software such as word processors and databases have been widely used for supplementary language instruction in the EFL class setting. Moreover, educational software especially designed for foreign and second language learning has increased greatly in availability everywhere. Here, the purpose is to give an idea of how much can be done with a very small sample of programs like in the initial stages of CALL. The idea is to continue giving hints (on coming issue) on how the software available can be used to take the most advantage of learning for our students.

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Cómo citar
Benavides B., J. E. (2016). Exploring Materials and Activities for CALL. HOW Journal, 4(1), 63–69. Recuperado a partir de https://www.howjournalcolombia.org/index.php/how/article/view/250
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