The Challenge of Change

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John Whitehead


This paper is offered in the context of considerable change happening in education, generally in Colombia with many important implications for the future of English teachers in this country. We do not yet know what the outcome of the Proyecto de Ley will be since it is still being debated by Congress; we do not yet know whether English will be taught at primary level in schools in Colombia; we do not yet know what training programmes for future teachers of English will look like. What we do know, however, is that things will change and that these changes will face us all with a challenge—a collective challenge to adapt to future needs and an individual challenge to redefine our roles as participants in improving the teaching of English in Colombia.

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Cómo citar
Whitehead, J. (2016). The Challenge of Change. HOW Journal, 1(1), 3–9. Recuperado a partir de
Reportes de investigación