Learning Styles and Learning Strategies

Contenido principal del artículo

Alicia Hidalgo
Magda Caicedo
Edmundo Mora


The purpose of this paper is to offer some suggestions for classroom activities that incorporate field independence-dependence and left-right brain functioning, as students learn through various learning styles. Thus, the idea is to make both students and teachers of English aware of the fact of making use of a wide range of techniques to give equal opportunities to all students so that they can benefit from the material as much as possible. To assure objectivity and validity, the techniques suggested here were experimented and tested over a semester period with intermediate university students of English. Also, a brief description of the two learning styles mentioned above is included so as to provide readers with an insight of how theory and practice mix in the activities suggested.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Hidalgo, A., Caicedo, M., & Mora, E. (2017). Learning Styles and Learning Strategies. HOW Journal, 10(1), 17–33. Recuperado a partir de https://www.howjournalcolombia.org/index.php/how/article/view/366
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